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Flash ESP32~

Online Installation~

With Chrome or Edge you can flash the ESP32 directly from within the browser window using the openHASP Web installer. for releases, Dev/Beta use openHASP Web installer Nightly. If you have another browser then use the offline flash tools below to download and flash the ESP32.

Download Firmware~

Download the latest openHASP binaries from the openHASP Web installer or GitHub Releases page. You need to pick the correct binary files for your device:

  • Get the full binary file for flashing over the serial port:
    e.g. d1-mini-esp32_ili9341_full_4MB_v0.7.0-rc11.bin
  • Get the ota binary file for updating the firmware from the Web UI:
    e.g. d1-mini-esp32_ili9341_ota_v0.7.0-rc11.bin


You can also download the nightly openHASP development .zip files from the Actions tab on Github. Select one of the latest "workflows" and scroll down to find zip files. You need to be logged in to download the firmware files.

Flash ESP32~


When flashing openHASP onto the ESP32 for the first time, you need to flash it over serial using the full firmware binary file. You need to write the full binary to the ESP32 flash chip at address 0x0.

The full binary also contains a bootloader and partition scheme needed to properly boot the ESP32.

Before starting the flash process you have to put the ESP into flash mode:

  1. Connect GPIO0 to GND before booting the device
  2. Power-on or reset the ESP32 while GPIO0 is connected to GND
  3. Start the flash process

The actual procedure to flash the ESP32 depends on the tool used. Click on the tab below that matches your flash tool.


ESPHome Flasher cannot flash the openHASP binary. Use one of the other tools below instead.

2 --port COM1 erase_flash --port COM1 --baud 921600 write_flash 0x0 d1-mini-esp32_ili9341_full_4MB_<version>.bin

Change COM1 to the correct port on your computer. If you get an error at the end of the flash procedure, you can try with a lower the baudrate eg. 460800.

Tasmota-PyFlasher is a simple GUI tool for flashing ESP32 firmware without any installation.


Change COM7 to the correct port on your computer.

Espressif provides their own Flash Download Tools for Windows.

Flash Download Tools

Change COM90 to the correct port on your computer.

Last update: 2024-06-07