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Property Value Default Description
speed int16 1000 The time for 1 turn in ms
direction int16 0 0 = clockwise, 1 = counter-clockwise
angle 0-360 60 The length of the spinning segment in degrees
type 0-2 0 0 = slow down on the top, 1 = slow down and stretch, 2 = constant speed no stretch
line_width int16 20 The width of the background circle
line_width10 int16 20 The width of the spinning segment
line_color color depends
on theme
color of the background circle
line_color10 color depends
on theme
color of the spinning segment


Check out background, border, and line styling to adjust other aspects of the appearance.


Placing objects over/under the spinner will increase the CPU load because all objects need to be redrawn constantly.

Example jsonl

Last update: 2024-06-07